WP4 official launch

DILAN Work package 4, which is responsible for coordinating the piloting and implementation of EU scientists’ training on online science communication in year 3 of the Project, was officially launched in January.

We are pleased to announce the start of the pilot phase of the short course and MOOC developed by the OsloMet and Ibercivis teams in year 2 of the Project. All our participants have been recruited and the courses will be open from mid-February to the end of March.

WP4 is coordinated by Prof. Laura Muresan (ASE, Romania) and involves a team of researchers from ASE Bucharest and Ovidius University in Constanta, Romania.

The specific objectives of WP4  are to:

  • Pilot the instructional materials and resources for training STEM and non-STEM scientists in the online course.
  • Implement the MOOC course.
  • Measure the impact of the training on the participants by tracking quantitative indicators of their scientific research productivity and altmetric indicators of their use of social networks.
  • Ensure the dissemination of project related information and project outcomes, to reach different categories of stakeholders, as well as the coordination of multiplier events, activities and materials.

These objectives will contribute to the main objective of improving the ability of STEM scientists to communicate their science on the Internet to a wide audience. 

With the participants’ feedback and the expertise of the course facilitators of all the academic partners of DILAN, we will have a pool of refined instructional materials and resources developed for training STEM scientists in digital science communication.

We are very much looking forward to meeting our participants next week!

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