
Digital language and communication training
for EU scientists


On Friday 24th May, The University of Bordeaux led the multiplier event DILAN (Digital Language and Communication Training for EU Scientists) where the Consortium partners ...
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Conference presentation at GERAS 2024

This week the 45th GERAS International conference takes places in Zurich, Switzerland, where P3 from U. Bordeaux and P2 from U. Clermont are presenting the ...
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Conference poster at BIFI 2024 Conference

Members from Campus Iberus presented the DILAN erasmus+ project at the XI International BIFI Conference (17-19 January 2024, Zaragoza). This conference gathers some of DILAN’s ...
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Publication by French partners

The latest publication by P2 and P3 coordinators is already available. You can read the latest publication by Birch-Becaas et al. (2023) on “Research dissemination ...
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Conference presentation by ASE and Ovidius at AELFE-LSPPC 2023

Our project partners from Bucharest University of Economic Studies (ASE) and Ovidius University at Constanta shared their research work on digital science communication practices at ...
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Conference presentation by Clermont and Bordeaux at AELFE-LSPPC 2023

Our project partners from the University of Bordeaux and the University of Clermont Auvergne presented their research outcomes at the 21st annual conference of the European ...
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Digital genres and Open Science

The research carried out by the GENCI group from the University of Zaragoza feeds into DILAN’s work by providing rich insights into digital genres and ...
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Conference presentation at Eaquals 2023

Laura Muresan & Oana Carciu’s presentation given at the Eaquals International Conference in Tallinn (27-29 April 2023), has just been uploaded on the Eaquals website. Title: ...
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Plenary talk at AESLA 2024

Dissemination event of DILAN’s results took place in the 40th International Conference of the Spanish Society of Applied Linguistics (AESLA) in Mérida (Spain) during 26-28 ...
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