Our Target Audiences

Digital language and communication training
for EU scientists

EU students in STEM study programmes (especially graduates and PhD level students) in the European partner institutions participating in this consortium

Doctoral schools in the European partner institutions participating in this consortium

Non-STEM scientists in the European partner institutions participating in this consortium 

Instructors in the fields of Languages for Specific Purposes and in scientific and technical communication

University managers involved in language policy and scientific policy

Scientific culture units/centres in the higher education institutions of the consortium, including partners and associate partners

Policy makers, university managers and quality assurance agencies in the higher education institutions of the consortium and in the associate partner institutions

European Association of Languages for Specific Purposes (AELFE)

European Association of Women Scientists and Technologists and national-based organisations (Asociación de Mujeres Investigadoras y
Tecnólogas de Aragón, AMIT)

Web developers and developers of educational infrastructures

Private organisations that develop metrics and alternative metrics to measure the quality and impact of research outcomes and private
organisations that are interested in social media analysis, artificial intelligence and collective intelligence (ecompetences and collective


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