Our partners from ASE organised the “International Research and Training Week for Academia” on 9-13 October, 2023. It was organised by WP4 coordinator with the support of the Department of Modern Languages and Communication in Business from ASE.
Debates, presentations and networking activities from this week were delivered by professors, teachers and researchers from Spain, Slovakia and Poland.
- Exchanging experience related to new developments introduced in the participants’ academic contexts in response to emerging challenges;
- Building on the partners’ expertise for better capitalising on the affordances of digital resources and for enhancing the effectiveness of educational processes, research and communication;
- Multidisciplinary networking, setting the basis for future exchanges of research outcomes, with a view to promoting the transfer of research outcomes to practice in the participants’ academic contexts and beyond the BIP partnership;
- Exploring the possibility of engaging in joint research and publication ventures;
- Deepening and consolidating transnational cooperation within and beyond the BIP partnership, in line with the EU’s agenda for the European Year of Skills 2023.
Researchers from the University of Zaragoza presented their latest research on scientific digital dissemination and DILAN’s results. From their faces you will see that it was a truly memorable event for the trainees (and their trainers!)