Follow up meeting with all consortium members, in which DILAN’s 5 work packages (WP) were presented.
WP1 is led by CAMPUS IBERUS (Spain) and its main responsibilities are the Management and Coordination Committee (supported by Ibercivis), all activities related to Management and coordination, and all deliverables related to promotional purposes.

WP2 UNIVERSITE CLERMONT AUVERGNE (France) in collaboration with UNIVERSITE DE BORDEAUX (France) (supported by Kampal and all other partners) is in charge of all activities related to data compilation and data analysis of survey research, and all activities related to the creation of videotutorials and deliverables (guide of good
WP3 OSLOMET (Norway) In collaboration with Ibercivis & Campus Iberus (supported by all other partners) will work on all activities related to curation of sources and course design and materials development.
WP4 ACADEMIA DE STUDII ECONOMICE DIN BUCURESTI (Romania) in collaboration with UNIVERSITATEA OVIDIUS DIN CONSTANTA (supported by Kampal and all other partners) will be in charge of all activities related to piloting and implementation of sources, course design and materials development.
WP5 FUNDACION IBERCIVIS (Spain) and ZARAGOZA KAMPAL Data Solutions (Spain) (supported by all other partners) are responsible for all activities related to project website and digital platform.