Dissemination event of DILAN’s results took place in the 40th International Conference of the Spanish Society of Applied Linguistics (AESLA) in Mérida (Spain) during 26-28 April 2023.
Carmen Pérez-Llantada, WP1 coordinator, gave a plenary talk in 40th AESLA conference in Mérida (Spain), entitled “Lengua y discurso en géneros digitales: el caso de la comunicación pública de la ciencia,” exploring critically ways of communicating science beyond expert audiences

In the context of Open Science and the “democratization of science” agenda, linguistic research on the social and cultural contexts of discourse and communication is gaining momentum, offering us valuable insights to understand emerging forms of digital communication for public understanding of science and public engagement in science. This talk takes the perspective of genre theory and genre analysis to illustrate how digital genres for public communication of science address new social (and rhetorical) exigences. One exigence is the need to build credibility and trust in scientific research. Another exigence, perhaps even more challenging than the previous one, is the need to engage the public in action (i.e. collaborating in scientific processes). The talk will discuss issues of language-in-use and some key generic features (e.g. hybridity, embedding, intertextuality and interdiscursivity) and showcase how the particular communicative intentions of these genres are fulfilled. In closing, I will address several implications of internet-based, multisemiotic and multilingual communication and provide suggestions for helping scientists develop effective digital science communication skills, by this means supporting their professional development.