Members from Campus Iberus presented the DILAN erasmus+ project at the XI International BIFI Conference (17-19 January 2024, Zaragoza). This conference gathers some of DILAN’s target groups such as leading scientists working in an array of fields in Physics, Biology and Statistics where the development and applications of AI and ML-based Methodologies are pivotal.
Carmen PĂ©rez-Llantada, Oana Carciu, and Rosana Villares presented the poster “Digital language and communication training for EU scientists (DILAN) An Erasmus + Project” together with representatives from KAMPAL.

Our main aim in this presentation is to introduce DILAN, an EU-funded Erasmus+ project whose main objective is to improve the ability of STEM scientists to communicate their science to diverse audiences. Communicating science beyond expert audiences has been recognised as a key societal priority in the EU. However, there is a lack of resources and training specifically designed to enable scientists to support this key priority. We explain how DILAN will contribute to supporting this priority by creating digital professional development resources to help STEM scientists (especially women) better communicate their science to society. We first describe the ethnomethodological study we conducted to collect data from EU STEM scientists on digital science communication practices and to create an online inventory of good practices and video testimonials from EU women scientists on how they communicate science beyond expert audiences using digital tools and media. We will also explain how we will produce teaching materials and develop a digital (online) training course and a MOOC to help EU STEM scientists communicate more effectively to public audiences in different languages, to enhance their intercultural sensitivity.