In November we had our second transnational meeting at OsloMet, NORWAY, to discuss WP3, WP5 and to start the work on WP4.

From Monday to Tuesday 25-26 November, 2024, representatives from all the DILAN partners met at the OSLO Metropolitan University. Our main goal was to discuss with all the consortium partners the outcomes of Work Package 3, mainly the short training course and the MOOC, and to collect structured feedback from all the attendants. Also, FundaciĆ³n Ibercivis reported briefly on the outcomes of the co-creation sessions that have been used to set the e-platform for the courses. We can confirm these sessions were a success!

Last but not least, we are looking forward to Year 3, the last working year of DILAN… so we also set up the start of WP4, led by our Romanian partners at Bucharest and Constanta, by discussing the details of the piloting and implementation phases to validate the effectiveness of the course design, materials, and participants’ learning outcomes. Kampal will play an important role in this process, as they will track the 11 chosen scientists again after they receive the training to evaluate the effectiveness of the training materials.
DILAN: tools and resources to improve EU scientists’ communication skills
The main objective of DILAN is to improve the ability of scientists to communicate the results of their research beyond the specialised community, so that they reach diversified audiences and society at large. The European Union has recognised that public communication of science is a key priority for society. To support this priority, DILAN will provide solutions for the digital transformation of human resources in research. DILAN involves the creation of resources and materials in digital format, as well as online training courses and a MOOC with innovative learning/teaching practices.