March 2023

Back to WP1

We had a very productive meeting of WP1 working group to prepare the first WP1 summary of activities report to be submitted soon to Campus Iberus consortium with a record of the first three months of the partnership’s work! Follow our updates on Instagram, Facebook and Twitter

Meet the DILAN consortium

We had a really interesting meeting today in which our consortium partners presented a summary of the survey results on Digital Science Sustainable, Transformative, Transversal but… who are we? The partners of this consortium are: ● CAMPUS IBERUS CONSORTIUM (Spain)● UNIVERSITE DE BORDEAUX (France) ● UNIVERSITE CLERMONT AUVERGNE (France) ● OSLOMET (Norway)● ACADEMIA DE STUDII ECONOMICE DIN BUCURESTI (Romania) ● UNIVERSITATEA OVIDIUS DIN CONSTANTA (Romania) ● FUNDACIÓN IBERCIVIS (Spain) ● KAMPAL DATA SOLUTIONS (Spain)  DILAN is …

Meet the DILAN consortium Read More »

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