The latest publication by P2 and P3 coordinators is already available.
You can read the latest publication by Birch-Becaas et al. (2023) on “Research dissemination in digital media: An online survey of French researchers’ practices”. Here the authors report on the results of the survey concerning both STEMM and HSS researchers.

Researchers are currently encouraged to make their results more accessible and transparent for their peers and to engage wider, lay audiences in science through new digital media. The Campus Iberus digital science action group carried out a first study to investigate how Spanish scientists communicate their work through digital media (Perez-Llantada et al. 2022). As international partners of this action group, members of the GERAS working group Literacies in Academia, Science and the Professions have replicated the online survey across several Higher Education Institutions in France. Here, we report on the results of the survey concerning both STEMM and HSS researchers. The aim is to identify the types of online science communication used by researchers in the French context, especially those targeting wider, non-specialist audiences. The survey results point to disciplinary and gender differences and allow us to analyze the needs of these researchers in terms of developing the necessary language, communication and digital skills to communicate effectively in this context.
Reference: Susan Birch-Becaas, Claire Kloppmann-Lambert, Shirley Carter-Thomas, Dacia Dressen-Hammouda, Elizabeth Rowley-Jolivet et Nedjah Zerrouki, « Research dissemination in digital media: An online survey of French researchers’ practices », ASp, 84 | 2023, 113-136.