The DILAN project (Digital Language and Communication Training for EU Scientists) presents to the university community in Bordeaux the main results and outcomes of WP2.

We invite you to join us in this hybrid multiplier event where the first results and the outcomes of WP2 on Friday 24th May. In this event, partners will deliver short presentations of the results of the ethnographic study, the creation of an inventory of current practices and a gallery of video testimonials, and AI-tracking of researchers’ productivity.
Planned activities:
- Overview of the DILAN project
- A study of researchers’ digital science communication practices
- The video testimonial project
- The AI-assisted study of scientists’ research productivity and impact
You can see the programme of the event at the bottom of the page (in English) and some infographics about DILAN.
You can access the event here.
DILAN: tools to improve the communication of researchers and scientists in Europe
The main objective of DILAN is to improve the ability of scientists to communicate the results of their research beyond the specialised community, so that they reach diversified audiences and society at large. The European Union has recognised that public communication of science is a key priority for society. To support this priority, DILAN will provide solutions for the digital transformation of human resources in research.DILAN involves the creation of resources and materials in digital format, as well as online training courses and a MOOC with innovative learning/teaching practices.
The Spanish participation in the DILAN consortium and its coordination is carried out by the Campus of International Excellence of the Ebro Valley Iberus, together with the Ibercivis foundation and Kampal Data solutions.