On Friday 24th May, The University of Bordeaux led the multiplier event DILAN (Digital Language and Communication Training for EU Scientists) where the Consortium partners presented the results from Year 1.
A successful hybrid event took place last week attended by all the Consortium partners. After a brief project overview with contributions from the Project coordinator and workpackage leaders, partners from Uni. Clermont Auvergne, Uni. Bordeaux, and Kampal Data Solutions presented the main results that DILAN has been working on during its first year:
1. Digital science communication good practices report
During the first year, all DILAN’s partner have carried out structured interviews with scientists from their universities in Spain, France, Norway, and Romania. These interviews have been analysed following quantitative and qualitative annotation systems that have resulted into an open-access report. In that document you will find what are the main current practices, attitudes, and training needs regarding science communication.

2. Videotestimonials
Each partner has created a short video featuring one of their researchers. These STEM researchers are actively engaged in science communication and reflect on how they communicate science to peers, to broad audiences (or outreach), and what languages do they use. Click here to watch all the videotestimonials.
3. Researchers productivity AI-tracking
Lastly, Kampal Data Solutions is in charge of the AI development and tracking of researchers productivity before and after the training that is been developed at the moment, as part of Work Package 3. Researchers are tracked measuring their online presence in digital platforms such as Google Scholar, Youtube, or Kampal Research.

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