Laura-Mihaela Muresan (Academia de Studii Economice din Bucuresti, Romania) participated in an Erasmus+ staff mobility at the Faculty of Letters, the University of Lisbon, from the 11th to the 13th of April 2024, as well as in the international conference of EAQUALS.
Laura-Mihaela Muresan, leader of WP4, has participated in several events at the beginning of April. She was involved in discussions with fellow academics and students in an Erasmus+ staff mobility at the University of Lisbon, on topics related to Academic Literacy Development, comparing challenges across lingua-cultural contexts, as well as new trends in digital communication.

In addition, she also attended the international conference of EAQUALS Evaluation and Accreditation of Quality on Language Services), where the main focus was on the latest trends in Quality Assurance in language education, the potential of AI in academic settings, as well as various dimensions of sustainability. EAQUALS is an international non-profit membership association founded in 1991 that aims to serve the interests of language learners and the language education profession.
In both academic settings, the University of Lisbon and the EAQUALS conference, Laura disseminated information about the DILAN project and its current work with WP2 and WP3 during networking and group discussions with language experts, academic coordinators, as well as during Dr Roxana Ciolaneanu’s course with philology students at the University of Lisbon.

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