
DILAN on the Erasmus+ Project Results Platform

Excellent news! For ensuring transparency and visibility of EU funding, DILAN (“Digital language and communication training for EU scientists”) is now online on the Erasmus+ Project Results Platform. You can find the following information: DILAN: tools to improve the communication of researchers and scientists in EuropeThe main objective of DILAN is to improve the ability …

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Conference presentation at Eaquals 2023

Laura Muresan & Oana Carciu’s presentation given at the Eaquals International Conference in Tallinn (27-29 April 2023), has just been uploaded on the Eaquals website. Title: “Multimodality in action! Collaborative teaching and learning in a plurilingual, intercultural context” Here is the link: and you can read it in this post too!

Plenary talk at AESLA 2024

Dissemination event of DILAN’s results took place in the 40th International Conference of the Spanish Society of Applied Linguistics (AESLA) in Mérida (Spain) during 26-28 April 2023. Carmen Pérez-Llantada, WP1 coordinator, gave a plenary talk in 40th AESLA conference in Mérida (Spain), entitled “Lengua y discurso en géneros digitales: el caso de la comunicación pública …

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WP2 working group reports on work in progress

Our WP2 coordinator, Dacia Dressen-Hammouda leads a new partnership meeting to present their proposal for the interview and focus groups protocols so that we get to know more about digital science communication practices in the local/national contexts represented in the partnership. A truly inspiring meeting to all of us! And much more coming soon! Just …

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Meet the DILAN consortium

We had a really interesting meeting today in which our consortium partners presented a summary of the survey results on Digital Science Sustainable, Transformative, Transversal but… who are we? The partners of this consortium are: ● CAMPUS IBERUS CONSORTIUM (Spain)● UNIVERSITE DE BORDEAUX (France) ● UNIVERSITE CLERMONT AUVERGNE (France) ● OSLOMET (Norway)● ACADEMIA DE STUDII ECONOMICE DIN BUCURESTI (Romania) ● UNIVERSITATEA OVIDIUS DIN CONSTANTA (Romania) ● FUNDACIÓN IBERCIVIS (Spain) ● KAMPAL DATA SOLUTIONS (Spain)  DILAN is …

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DILAN’s Work Packages

Follow up meeting with all consortium members, in which DILAN’s 5 work packages (WP) were presented. WP1 is led by CAMPUS IBERUS (Spain) and its main responsibilities are the Management and Coordination Committee (supported by Ibercivis), all activities related to Management and coordination, and all deliverables related to promotional purposes. WP2 UNIVERSITE CLERMONT AUVERGNE (France) …

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dilan Universidad de Zaragoza

DILAN’s kick-off meeting and first press release

Don’t miss DILAN’s press releases disseminated widely at the University of Zaragoza published in iUNIZAR electronic bulletin on 13th Feb, 2023. Arranca el Proyecto ERASMUS + “Digital Language and Communication Resources for EU Scientists” (DILAN) El proyecto ERASMUS + “Digital Language and Communication Resources for EU Scientists” (DILAN) tiene como objetivo crear recursos digitales y …

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1st Managing DILAN

DILAN’s first Management and Coordination Committee took place. This was our first VERY important meeting. All Work Package coordinators meet to start working on DILAN’s Management and coordination plan, Risk plan, Quality Plan and Communication and Dissemination plan. Also, to start working on the preparation of DILAN’S kick-off meeting. We are also introducing the new …

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