
Publication by French partners

The latest publication by P2 and P3 coordinators is already available. You can read the latest publication by Birch-Becaas et al. (2023) on “Research dissemination in digital media: An online survey of French researchers’ practices”. Here the authors report on the results of the survey concerning both STEMM and HSS researchers. Abstract Researchers are currently …

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Presentación de DILAN (webinar y video)

El Consorcio Campus Iberus organizó el seminario web sobre formación en comunicación digital para científic@s de la Unión Europea. El día 17 de noviembre de 2023 se celebró el seminario web DIGITAL LANGUAGE AND COMMUNICATION TRAINING FOR EU SCIENTISTS (DILAN). DILAN es un proyecto Erasmus + financiado por la Comisión Europea (Proyecto nº 2022-1-ES01-KA220-HED-000086749). Sus …

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Online presentation of DILAN at the University of Zaragoza

The DILAN project (Digital Language and Communication Training for EU Scientists) is presented to the university community in Zaragoza through this webinar. We invite you to join us in this seminar where the objectives of the DILAN project will be presented through brief presentations of the members of the consortium, its objectives and its planned …

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International research week at ASE, Bucharest

Our partners from ASE organised the “International Research and Training Week for Academia” on 9-13 October, 2023. It was organised by WP4 coordinator with the support of the Department of Modern Languages and Communication in Business from ASE. Debates, presentations and networking activities from this week were delivered by professors, teachers and researchers from Spain, …

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Our second Quarterly summary of activities

We made it and put together our second quarterly report. Full of activities and definitely showing work in progress. Revision of semi-structured interviews and focus groups protocols. Discussing and exchanging views on how to best carry them out, and a lot more. We should definitely treat ourselves with a big box of chocolates, or rather …

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Conference presentation by ASE and Ovidius at AELFE-LSPPC 2023

Our project partners from Bucharest University of Economic Studies (ASE) and Ovidius University at Constanta shared their research work on digital science communication practices at the 21st annual conference of the European Association of Languages for Specific Purposes (AELFE2023) and the 7th Conference of the Asia-Pacific LSP & Professional Communication Association (LSPPC7). Abstract The Erasmus+ Project …

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Conference presentation by Clermont and Bordeaux at AELFE-LSPPC 2023

Our project partners from the University of Bordeaux and the University of Clermont Auvergne presented their research outcomes at the 21st annual conference of the European Association of Languages for Specific Purposes (AELFE2023) and the 7th Conference of the Asia-Pacific LSP & Professional Communication Association (LSPPC7). Abstract: Open Science principles have highlighted the need for researchers …

Conference presentation by Clermont and Bordeaux at AELFE-LSPPC 2023 Read More »

DILAN on the Erasmus+ Project Results Platform

Excellent news! For ensuring transparency and visibility of EU funding, DILAN (“Digital language and communication training for EU scientists”) is now online on the Erasmus+ Project Results Platform. You can find the following information: DILAN: tools to improve the communication of researchers and scientists in EuropeThe main objective of DILAN is to improve the ability …

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Conference presentation at Eaquals 2023

Laura Muresan & Oana Carciu’s presentation given at the Eaquals International Conference in Tallinn (27-29 April 2023), has just been uploaded on the Eaquals website. Title: “Multimodality in action! Collaborative teaching and learning in a plurilingual, intercultural context” Here is the link: and you can read it in this post too!

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